"Happy girls are the prettiest" - Audrey Hepburn

"Fashion is not about utility. An accessory is merely a piece of iconography used to express individual identity." - The Devil Wears Prada

My First Trench Coat

After an exhausted winter, it is time for a lovely spring. Well, it's not that spring but I am just tired to wear my winter jacket. Ough, no more. So, here it is my style with my first trench coat sightseeing in Augsburg Germany in the weekend.


  1. yang paling atas itu tempat tinggalmu kah? keren euy arsitekturnya..

  2. Bukan kok. Ini lagi jalan-jalan... Fuggerei nama daerahnya. Pajangan rumahnya keren-keren. Kalau di Indonesia udah ilang dicuri orang ;)

  3. hahaha..jangankan pajangan rumah, orang besi pemancar radio bisa lenyap..
